Q: How will my item reach me?
A: We will package your item securely with protective packaging and ship it to you with a trusted delivery partner within 2-5 working days after the date of order (date of order will not be counted in the timeline).
Q: How long will delivery take?A: If you are based in Singapore, the item should reach you within 2-5 working days (date of order will not be counted in the timeline) once we’ve received your order.
For expedited delivery within Singapore, it’ll reach you the next working day (cut off: 4pm the previous day) and is a flat fee of $12.
If you are based overseas, we will ship through a trusted delivery partner. Shipping costs will depend on your location.
(NOTE: We will be unable to ship large boxes overseas.)
Q: How much is shipping?A: For delivery within Singapore, shipping is always free for all items.
For expedited delivery within Singapore, it’ll reach you the next working day and is a flat fee of $12.
For delivery overseas, shipping would be a flat rate charge depending on your location (calculated at checkout).
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